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Gifford Update #2 from Chimala

We have had sparse internet access for the last few days. We can only use so much before we have to re-up again so I won’t send as many pictures this time.

Julius, one of the workers at Chimala Mission, was baptized this week!

In the last couple of days we have witnessed the baptism of Julius, one of the workers here, been up to the top of the mountain, and toured both of the schools. I wasn’t sure if Mark was ever going to leave the mountain and I believe if he could build a house up there we would lose him forever (does anyone know a good real estate agent he could work with on that?).

The farm there is much greener now than it was when I visited last (you can see the difference in the two pictures below from 2018 and 2020 from the same spot).

Photo of farm from 2018 trip.
Photo of farm from 2020 trip.

Mark and I were split last night for worship as I had been asked to speak here at the local church on the Chimala Mission and Mark went out to one of the villages. I was able to spend some time after with two of the three elders of the church and discuss the status of the congregation. I do believe it has grown numerically in the last two years and they are very good men that are quite capable of leading the church here. They face many issues, as does any church, and most of them similar to issues we face, but the church for sure is headed in a positive direction.

Keep us and the work in Chimala in your prayers as we finish our time here this week!
Andrew “Gif” Gifford