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2019 Ukraine Trip – Report 6


This morning we were blessed to be able to worship with the church in Ivano-Frankivsk for one more Sunday while the rest of the group went home. Gif preached while I spoke during the Lord’s supper and our translator worked overtime.

Afterwards we were able to meet with the men of the church about planning for this week and the future of the church in Ukraine. There were many encouraging things discussed and it seemed like the men were excited to get started.

In the evening we had a great conversation with the Skolebas about the church here and we were very happy to be able to spend some quality time with them, especially since it was at the chocolate factory. I am looking forward to many more positive developments through the week!


This morning we spent a great morning with the church here. We discussed the life of Moses and his leadership style in the morning worship and then went for a meeting with the men of the church. They are very eager to being planning the budget for the church here! We all see it as the next step in church growth and laying the foundation for a future eldership. We discussed the positive aspects of having a budget such as accountability and proper planning.

Our goal is to this week meet and come up with at least a preliminary idea of what next year’s budget might be. In the evening, we met with Ivan and Sveta Skoleba to discuss their work in the church here and the future. They are very concerned about teaching the young people here and are looking for any advice as to how to help them to grow. We enjoyed our time with them and look forward to tomorrow.