(Moises sent us the following report for the months of March/April)
March – April Report (2024)
“For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9).
It is hard to believe that half of the year is almost gone. We hope that this year is a productive one for you as it is for EB Global. Christian Family Magazine Update This year the Christian Family magazine got a fresh look. We redesigned the logo, updated fonts and colors, and made some other little tweaks here and there. These little changes were not only made to update the printed design but were also made in view of our plans to design a website that will match the overall feel and look of our magazine. Last month I built a few templates that hopefully will work for the main pages of our online magazine. I am still working on the design and I am waiting on our WordPress builder to release the newest version that our site will use. We hope to give you a more detailed update in the next report.
In March we printed and distributed the first volume of the magazine. This issue features a family of middle TN that shares their love for God and their work as a family on their farm. It also encourages parents to teach their children to love worship, spouses to build peace in their relationship, children to develop proper love for self, and all readers to take God’s Word seriously. You can view the latest issue of our magazine in the following address: https://www.ebglobal.org/content/magazines-christian-family.

Written / Translated Materials
Materials have been written and translated into Spanish during March and April and here is a list, along with the links and author names:
Spanish Research Articles:
- The Three Attractions of the Cross (Allen Webster)
- Aren’t We Better Off Without Religion? (Paul Holland)
- Can a Person Live in Adultery? (Dave Miller)
- What Our Homes Should Be – Part 4 (William Book)
- “We Are All Sinners,” or Not? (Moisés Pinedo)
- What Makes a Good Leader? (Daren Schroeder)
- Do It Anyway (Todd Houston)
- That’s Just Your Interpretation! (Dave Miller)
- “When Are Those Pancakes Going to Be Ready?” (Moisés Pinedo)
Spanish Sermon Outlines:
- Spring Cleaning: Cleaning Out Our Calendars (Todd Houston)
- Raking Is Easy; Digging Is Hard (Todd Houston)
- The Problem of Division (Roby Ellis)
- Giving Up the Good for the Great (Todd Houston)
- Where Can Wisdom Be Found? (Roby Ellis)
- Saved from Death (Todd Houston)
- Spring Cleaning: Cleaning Out Our Hearts and Minds (Todd Houston)
- Spring Cleaning: Deep Cleaning Our Spiritual Houses (Todd Houston)
- In the Shadow of the Apostles: To Rome (Todd Houston)
Extra Material:
- Proofreading and layout of the Christian Family magazine (volume 9, number 1).
- Translation and proofreading of the House to House magazine, Volume 29, Number 1.
- Proofreading of the book God Speaks Today: Chapters 11-14 (about 40 Word doc. pages).
- Update of tract “Insufficient Salvation.”
Other responsibilities include web design and maintenance, shipping material, communicating and answering emails and questions, and writing and updating other materials for future use.
Thanks to God and to you for your help and trust, and thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. There is much to do in this endeavor, and EB Global has many projects under way. If you know of a congregation or individual who would like to receive this report, please, let me know at editorial@ebglobal.org. If you know of someone who would like to help with this work, they can find information at http://www.ebglobal.org/help-eb. Please, continue to pray for EB Global.
God bless,
Moisés Pinedo