“For the earth shall be full of the knowledge of the Lord as the waters cover the sea” (Isaiah 11:9).

The year 2023 has been full of opportunities to reach more people for God, and we are happy to start a new one with a greater determination to serve the Lord. We pray that this new year will be the best for your spiritual well-being, and the well-being of your family and your home congregation. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Lord for the support of the Dalraida church of Christ in Montgomery, Alabama, as well as my home congregation in Elizabethton, TN during the last years, and their willingness to continue to help the work of EB Global.
A Brief Summary of 2023
The last year has been a great year for EB Global, and here are some highlights:
- We are starting 2024 with a list of over 25,500 weekly subscribers for our main site and our children’s site (this is about 1,700 more subscribers since the beginning of 2023).
- Our main website (www.ebglobal.org) had a total of about 1.4 million pageviews and 563,000 unique visitors. Our children’s website had about 249,000 pageviews and 135,000 unique visitors. This makes a total of 1.65 million pageviews and 812,000 unique visitors.
- The EB Global website reached more than 100 identifiable countries in the world—from the U.S. (ranking first place in our traffic) to French Guiana (last place).
- More than $12,600 in biblical material (excluding shipping expenses) was donated through our work for edification and evangelistic efforts in the U.S. and overseas.
- We received news that our materials were used in a Gospel meeting in Goldsboro, North Carolina, when eight souls were added to the Lord’s church.
- Four issues of our bilingual Christian Family magazine were printed, a total of about 7,000 copies; almost all of this material has already been distributed around the U.S. and other countries. We continue to receive great feedback from this magazine!
- About 200 articles, outlines, lessons and other materials were developed. As of today, EB Global continues to be one of the biggest resources of sound biblical material for the Hispanic brotherhood.
- EB Global has also helped translate some material into Spanish from Apologetics Press and House to House. This material has been added to our site, and it also available from these companies’ websites or stores, reaching a greater audience.
We hope that, with God’s help, this new year our materials, online and in print, will bless many more lives and ministries around the world. We ask your prayers on behalf of this good work as this new year begins.
Written / Translated Materials
Materials have been written and translated into Spanish during November and December and here is a list, along with the links and authors’ names:
Spanish Research Articles:
- What Our Home Should Be (William Book)
- The Need to Be Loved (Paul Holland)
- Is Christmas a Secular or Religious Holiday, or Both? (Louis Rushmore)
- How to Access Heaven’s Salvation (Moises Pinedo)
- Tell No One (Roby Ellis)
- Potential Energy and the Christian (Daren Schroeder)
- Don’t Blame Jesus for My Sins (Todd Houston)
- Man’s Dilema and God’s Solution (Moises Pinedo)
Spanish Sermon Outlines:
- The Second Coming of Christ (Todd Houston)
- Horsehoes and Hand Grenades (Todd Houston)
- What the Lord Is to Me (Roby Ellis)
- Bringing Home His Banished Ones (Todd Houston)
- An Irrelevant Comparison (Todd Houston)
- Oh, How I Love Jesus (Roby Ellis)
- In the Shadow of the Apostles: Paul’s Second Missionary Journey. Part 5 (Todd Houston)
- Stand Up! (Roby Ellis)
Extra Material (for October-December):
Articles for Christian Family magazine (volume 8, number 4), translation, proofreading, and design.
Shipping about 1,700 copies of the Christian Family magazine.
House to House magazine, Volume 28, Number 7 (proofreading)
House to House magazine, Volume 28, Number 9 (translation only)
House to House magazine, Volume 28, Number 11 (translation only)
Book God Speaks Today: Chapters 10-14 (translation of about 45 Word Document pages).
Other responsibilities include web design and maintenance, shipping material, communicating and answering emails and questions, and writing and updating other materials for future use.
Thanks to God and you for your help and trust, and thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. There is much to do in this endeavor, and EB Global has many projects underway. If you know of a congregation or individual who would like to receive this report, please, let me know at editorial@ebglobal.org. If you know of someone who would like to help with this work, they can find information at http://www.ebglobal.org/help-eb. Please, continue to pray for EB Global.
God bless,
Moisés Pinedo