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Nov 2020 Ukraine Missions Newsletter

“The congregation helps needy members with food and medicines. All this is possible with your assistance. You are also a part of this ministry and we thank you for that. Everybody receiving aid knows how much you contribute to it. God and His love make it possible and this is the most important thing we have to keep in mind.” This encouraging note is a part of Ruslan’s report on the actions during November 2020.

The November 2020 newsletter is tardy due to a number of factors. But it is completed and is now available for you to read. Be encourage by the great good that is reported. In this world of trouble and toil it is often tempting to forget the wonderful blessings that come from our great God! Even when all looks gloomy and doom seems to be knocking on your door, God’s blessings are abundant!

During November we moved from one warehouse to another. This was possible because of a number of dedicated people were involved. Without the great energy and help of those who packed up, loaded the moving trucks and unloaded at the new site it would not have been possible. Without the kind help of our leasing landlords (Chris Obenhaus & Kelly Ulven), we would not have found a suitable place. Without the amazing help of so many who came to load FIVE containers we would not have been successful!

THANK YOU to all involved in this amazing work. Please click on the link below to download and read the November 2020 newsletter.

John L. Kachelman, Jr.