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Closing Thoughts in 2020 from Stefano Spina

Dear brothers in Christ,

I am writing these few lines to briefly recall the essential things that God has given us in this strange year that is about to close.

We are grateful to God that He has kept us alive and gave us health. Several million people have left this earth due to Covid-19 virus.

We are grateful to God for the providence that He has granted us through His blessings, without making us lack for anything, indeed he has given us the possibility and the joy to help some people who were in need.

We are grateful to God that He uses us for His glory, in supporting the brothers by fortifying the church.

We are grateful to God that the virus failed to stop God’s Word. We lived in quarantine being locked indoors for five long months, from March to July. Almost everything has stopped but not the Word of God. We have again seen the power of the gospel through the new birth, in the last weeks of this year, in the person of sister Federica Giambra.

We are grateful to God because He gives us once again the opportunity to write to you to thank you for all the commitment you maintain towards the preaching by supporting us. We are grateful for this and for your prayers. Without your spiritual and material support we could not do anything.

We wish to thank God together with you for every perfect gift that He has given us in Christ and, as his children, we want to express our gratitude for His love toward us.

Let us pray that it is still God’s will to let us be able to serve Him by bringing His name high to those people who are far away, who are seeking  Him. Praying that he will still give us the possibility to finding a way to involve more and more souls for salvation, so that His Kingdom can still expand and His name be praised by an ever more numerous people.

God bless us all so that He can always find us working in His vineyard.

We wish you every blessing from God our Holy Father and  a happy New Year.

In Him,
Stefano, Rina and Giulia Spina