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Baptism Update from Chimala

We have received an update that Dr. Esau Mwaipepe, one of the leaders in the Chimala Hospital, was baptized earlier this week! Included below is a short statement from Howell Ferguson, the stateside coordinator for Chimala. In addition to what Howell has said, I met Dr. Esau myself back in January of this year and was very impressed with him not only as a doctor but as a human being. He is full of energy, very kind, and was more than welcoming in the brief time we got to spend with him. I am glad he has made this decision and believe he will be a great asset to the work there. Please be sure to keep Dr. Esau in your prayers.

Today our souls are thrilled at the news that the head doctor at the Chimala Mission Hospital decided to put on Christ for the remission of his sins. We are so happy to have this new brother in Christ. Dr. Esau Mwaipepe is much loved not only at the hospital but by everyone at the mission. His genuine care and compassion for his patients is unsurpassed. Now as a New Testament Christian, his ability to serve has been infinitely multiplied. We praise God for this wonderful news at the Chimala Mission!

In His service,

Howell Ferguson
Stateside Coordinator
Chimala Mission