These two months will serve as my furlough from Guyana while I prepare for two final trips in 2019.
A visit in November will accomplish two goals. First, I will concentrate efforts with three congregations in the Lethem Town area: the Culvert City Church of Christ, the Bon Fim (Brazil) Church of Christ, and an assembly that meets in nearby St. Ignatius Village. Aside from teaching and encouraging Christians, I will highlight the benefits on the Companion Church ministry, pairing congregations on both continents, accentuating opportunities for leadership, growth and service. I thank God that several congregations have shown an interest.
Second, I will meet with our preachers and ministers, most of whom receive monthly financial support, to discuss their 2020 plan of work. While we stand ready to assist village churches at any time, we start small and build incrementally, as we follow in the steps of Christ and continue the work begun by Jerry Davidson. Our commitment to quality, lasting evangelistic effort in Guyana is to focus on and stabilize the Christians and congregations in the Lethem Town area, as mentioned above, then to grow outward from there.
A December visit to Guyana also serves a two-fold purpose. David Myers, the pulpit minister at the Wildwood Church of Christ in Florida, will accompany me to the Nappi and Parashara churches of Christ to discuss Wildwood’s desire to join them in fellowship and prayerful commitment. Also, we will review what additional tools and resources are needed for further successful growth.
It thrills me to ponder the good fruit that will come from the Companion Church Ministry. First, mission churches will receive specialized attention from experienced US Christians. Many of us in the States have come from homes with multiple generations of Christians, and we can share our strengths with others. Second, congregations in the US can participate in mission work without having to travel great distances, which affords additional saints to help with foreign evangelism who normally would not be involved.
We cannot sufficiently measure the joys of teaching the Bible through correspondence courses, sharing a lesson outline, or a church bulletin. I am happy to report that several US & Guyanese congregations are ramping up in excitement with this priceless opportunity. Let me know if your congregation is interested in learning about Companion Churches. We hope to hear from you soon. The church of Christ, located in Bon Fim, Brazil (see photos at end) was started by a faithful couple many years ago, Brother Ernesto John. He began preaching for them after graduating from Guyana Christian University.
Glenn Brown (shown below) is leading songs to a small assembly in St. Ignatius Village. At that gathering, three sis¬ters reflected the affection, friendship and appreciation of our work, holding up a photo of my mother, who has taught Bible, sewing and craft classes. In the photo, she displays a necklace of Amerindian cotton (shown below). “You are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read by all men” (2 Corinthians 3:2).

While being in the States, we will stay on the road giving updates in south Alabama, the Panhandle and central Florida, Ohio, northeast Mississippi and west Tennessee, then back to Alabama and Florida. Please pray for us, our health and the success of this great work.
David & Philena

Our mailing address is:
Living Water 414
c/o Richmond Church of Christ
1500 Lancaster Road
Richmond, KY 40475
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