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2019 Ukraine Trip – Report 9

Wednesday we spent the early part of the day visiting with the girls who translated for us last year and enjoying each other’s company for a short time. We met in the afternoon with Ruslan and Pasha again (Andrew and Ivan were still on their way back from Kyiv) to discuss the letter that has been sent from the elders at Dalraida as the translation was finished around lunchtime today. We were not able to go in depth since they had only just received the letter and because only two were present, but we were able to read it together and answer some of the initial questions about it. Overall, the men see the need to do what the elders have asked and are willing to take on more responsibility as leaders in the church.

In the evening, Simba taught the Wednesday Bible class on the book of 2 Timothy. Sonya has worked overtime translating for us and she has done a fantastic job. She is probably looking forward to the 10-hour train ride more than anyone simply because she won’t have to translate for that whole time. I plan to keep her awake by asking her to read every billboard we pass. I will report back if I survive.

(from left) Sonya, Gif and Ruslan

Please keep the brethren here in your prayers…and us as we begin our travels to Kyiv and then back home to Montgomery!

Gif and Simba