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2019 Ukraine Trip – Report 1

The first day in Ivano-Frankivsk was great as the group met and worshiped with the brethren. Read the group reflections below and continue to remember them in your prayers as they travel.

Doug Schofield speaking during the Sunday worship assembly in Ivano-Frankivsk.


We arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk around 7:30 Sunday on the train.  We were immediately greeted by members of the church on the platform.  After a few hours, we were able to meet the brethren for worship.  Brother Doug delivered a powerful lesson on Biblical authority.  But what really stood out to me was brother Ruslan who gave spoke before the Lord’s Supper.  I appreciated that they took more time on the Lord’s Supper than we normally do, they not only spent more time on the message preceding the communion, but were slower and more deliberate in serving it, leaving more time for reflection.

It was also wonderful to see one of my friends from Ghana, Africa at service.  It was truly encouraging to see Christians from 3 continents worshiping as one.  Brother Ruslan and his wife Maria also brought their son, David to church for the first time.

Ruslan and Maria brought their new baby boy, David to worship services for the first time.

Then we went to see the site of the new church building.  Not only was it a building for worship, but will also serve as a school of preaching, able to house students as well as take care of others in the community.  There is a work area for making bricks and other construction needs as well as a cellar for storing food and a warehouse to store humanitarian aid. 

And then we went to the Chocolate Factory…


Well as I told my kids when they were small as we started a trip, “were going on an adventure” and this mission trip started out with a plane issue in Montgomery.  We were able to catch a later plane out of Atlanta to Amsterdam and then had another delay leaving there to Kiev and I was wondering how my checked bag would stay with me and I found out it wanted its own travel adventure.  Its Monday 8 am and it still is adventuring itself to me. 

Worship service yesterday with the local I/F congregation was wonderful.  I sang Blessed Assurance in English as they sang in Ukraine and the voices blended together and I know the Lord was pleased to hear his children from around the world together in worship song praise to him. 

In the afternoon we visited the building site of the local I/F church to see the progress and it will be a wonderful facility to help build the local church family and spread the Gospel.

Please pray for us that the seeds we are sowing will bring fourth a bountiful harvest as the church here can grow and the Good News will be spread everywhere!

Please keep my wife Kristie in your prayers and thank you to the Sylacauga congregation for your supporting me to make this trip possible.  May the Lord’s blessings fill your day as he is me halfway around this old world!


When you read the reports from John Kachelman, Jr., you’ll see that there is much work to be done, both spiritual and manual (Pay no attention to his blackmail photos).

We enjoyed worshiping yesterday with our brothers and sisters in Ivano-Frankivsk, it was good to see them again, and we were touched by their joy at having us come to be with them. After lunch we visited the construction site and saw the progress on the new building. The brethren here are doing much of the work themselves, and the progress they are making is exciting. Today the entire group will travel to Zelena, a village in the mountains that has been receiving some of the humanitarian aid sent by the Lord’s church. As a result of that aid, some in the community have asked to learn more about the church. Caleb and I plan to spend at least a couple of days there following up on that interest. Everyone in our group is excited about the opportunities that await us this week. Please remember our efforts in your prayers.


After about three days of travel we arrived in Ivano-Frankivsk bright eyed and bushy tailed ready to shower and wash off the travel. We were introduced to our wonderful translators and the church here. One of the ways to see if the congregation is flourishing is their singing. There were moments where I had to listen and soak in the beautiful singing. From church we got lunch and then went to observe the construction of the building. This building will be there for decades if not centuries, the Romans would be proud. It is encouraging to see fellow Christians thriving in a place that may not always respect their beliefs. I am exited to see what the rest of the week has to hold.

The new church building under construction in Ivano-Frankivsk. (Back row – Simba and Nick Revels, Front row – Ivan & Sveta Skoleba, Doug Schofield, Nick Berryman, Elizabeth Revels, Maggie Berryman, Chip McEwan, Tanya Zozulina, Marina, John Kachelman Jr., Natasha, Caleb, and Natasha)


After 46 hours of traveling, we hopped off the train to an immediate greeting filled with hugs and smiles from several people of the congregation.

They helped us load our bags and walk to the hotel; while we got dressed, they graciously got us some coffee and then we joined them on the venture to Church.

Church in Ukraine is much like our Church service in America (you know, the one when Doug talked about The Lords Supper and he did the sermon before Communion) – they do that order here every Sunday!

The people of the Church that we met here are so kind and encouraging. After lunch, they toted us to the construction sight to see the church that they are building! It was emotional seeing all the hard work that has been put into it thus far and the excitement they have when they talk about it!
The amount of love we have been shown and received since we’ve arrive is the best feeling. Ukraine has been amazing since we’ve arrived and I seriously doubt that will ever change.


Yesterday was out first full day in Ivano-Frankivsk. We got to worship with our church family here, it is always good to meet with fellow Christians. One of my favorite things about the services here is the singing in both Ukrainian and English, it reminds me that even though we are separated by language here we are all joined by our love of God. We had some issues with our luggage getting lost, and I am running out of shirts so for everyone else’s sake I hope they get here soon.


After getting off the train we were able to get cleaned up and off to worship. The service was wonderful and the singing was my favorite. It was so nice to meet everyone at the church here. After lunch we went to the new church building and had a great tour of the church. Last night was pretty slow and we were able to relax after all the travels. I’m excited to see what the week holds.


In Scottsboro, AL, there is a small store called “Unclaimed Baggage” where they sell items from suitcases that have been lost on flights. At this point, I believe that I am keeping that store in business. I may call and see if they’ll give me a cut of their profits for the year. We lost 4 bags on the way in and we’re still in the process of trying to get them back. The airport in Kyiv thinks they have them now but they told us to call the lost and found who told us to call the airline who told us to direct message their Twitter account who told us to call the airport who told us to call the lost and found… will the circle be unbroken? Other than that, we’re having a great time.

I had to wear this thing called a “jacket” today. It’s an article of clothing that is thick with long sleeves for when the weather gets “cold” (for those of you who are from Alabama, don’t worry if you don’t know what that means; you’ll never experience it). But the most important thing so far: the chocolate store was waiting for me last night right where I left it last year. It was like coming home after a long day. We’re looking forward to getting started with the real work beginning today!